Archive for Purim

Purim: The joy of deliverance

According to my calendar, the Jewish holiday of Purim is today (actually, I believe it began last evening). This holiday honors an important time in history for the Jewish people, when God delivered them from annihilation at the hand of Haman, a ruler with evil intent. Because Queen Esther—who was secretly Jewish and had arrived in her position basically as the result of a beauty pageant—bravely spoke up for her people, the king discovered Haman’s plot and spared the Jews. Haman received no mercy; he was impaled for his cruel plan.

The biblical book of Esther describes the Jews’ reaction when they discovered they had been delivered: “For the Jews it was a time of happiness and joy, gladness and honor. In every province and in every city, wherever the edict of the king went, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating” (Esther 8:16–17).  You can read more about the fascinating story of Esther in the Bible.

According to the “Columbia Encyclopedia” and, Purim, preceded by a day of fasting, is a day of abundant joy with plenty of food and festivities. The book of Esther is read in the synagogue. Children wear costumes and use noisemakers, and adults exchange food basket gifts and donate to charity. A Purim carnival is held in Israel. I don’t have any personal experience celebrating Purim, so I’d love to hear from you if you celebrate this holiday.

This time of great joy reminds me of another deliverance that I should celebrate every day. I’ve been set free from a much greater foe than Haman. I’ve been delivered from sin, its burdens, and its punishment. I am a sinner by nature, which separates me from God and makes me deserving of punishment by a holy and just God. But Jesus took my full punishment instead through His death (which atoned for my sin), and then he rose from the dead (which demonstrated His power over sin). All I had to do was open my hands and receive his offer of forgiveness and abundant life. I am free and headed for eternity with God—and that is cause to celebrate!